Local deployment using minikube
- install helm3 (https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/)
- install minikube (https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/)
0. Read system_deployment and start minikube
minikube start --kubernetes-version <kuber version>
1. Do step 1.
2. For step 2 create namespace with different name for example prozorro-local
kubectl create namespace $NS
3. Do steps 3,4,5
4. Instead of step 6 run minikube addons enable ingress
5. Skip step 7
6. Do steps 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- For step 12 you can create an empty file if you are not going to use registry importer skript
7. Create elastic-external-auth secret with empty login and pswd
kubectl -n $NS create secret generic elastic-external-auth --from-literal=LOGIN= --from-literal=PASSWORD=
8. Create your own helm values file (name it f.e. helm-values.private.yml) and put it to your global gitignore.
There you may override helm values, described in other helm config files
9. Package and install helm deployment
Version doesn't matter
helm package --app-version=1.0.1 --version=1.0.1 ./helm/prozorro-deployment
helm upgrade -i --namespace=<namespace> <realese_name> prozorro-helm-*.tgz -f specs/base-procedure-spec.yaml -f specs/custom-procedure-spec.yaml -f values/local-values.yaml -f <your_local_helm_values>
10. Check deployment finished
kubectl -n $NS get pods
11. Get your minikube ip and update your ect/hosts with hosts with it
minikube ip
Setup hosts you defined in ingress setting. In local-values.yaml
there are procedure.proz.info
and auction.proz.info
<minikube-ip> procedure.proz.info
<minikube-ip> auction.proz.info
Local and latest docker images
If it requires using local image run eval $(minikube docker-env)
and then build your docker image (usually run make docker-build
in target project)
Your values should have next format
repository: prozorro-sale-auth
tag: develop
pullPolicy: Never
If you want to use the latest docker image update subchart values with
repository: registry-gitlab.prozorro.sale/prozorro-sale/prozorro-auth
tag: latest
pullPolicy: Always
Local host naming recommendations
Don't use such names as: